Have you been feeling those baby blues? Signs of post-partum depression include but are not limited to mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping.

What Happed To Me
PPD can rare its ugly head just a few days after childbirth and it lasts for a few weeks. According to the Mayo Clinic, this can be caused by the dramatic drop in hormones (estrogen and progesterone). For women with more severe cases, the PPD can be ongoing for months and even years. It is important to manage your symptoms carefully and bond as best you can with your sweet baby.
Hearing from mothers from PPD, some of the worst effects on top of the mood swings are anxiety and reduced concentration. Have you been feeling that lately? Irregular sleeping patterns and difficulty sleeping make scheduling a consistent routine that much harder.
If you have any conditions such as obsessive thoughts about your baby, paranoia, or hallucinations, please seek help. It can be hard to take care of your baby while going through these tough times.
Here are some doctors' recommendations for women with PPD. (P.S. The doctor may in certain situations prescribe antidepressants or mood stabilizers and go over if stopping breastfeeding is necessary.)
Accept help from family and friends. It is okay to have the support of those around you.
Connect with other new moms. Hearing from others' experiences can help ease your worries.
Create time to take care of yourself. Self-care can mean different things to different people. Soaking in a bubble bath might be a relaxing hour or maybe a back massage with your man releases some tension.
Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. (These can make mood swings worse.)
Also, you might be surprised how far getting much needed rest can go.
If you are feeling less attractive and/or struggle with your sense of identity, you can try these mantras that reaffirm that you can be comfortable and confident in your skin. "My body created new life."
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